The Truth About Being an Entrepreneur

This is an honest, uncut, and real blog post about being an entrepreneur

This blog is coming from a sincere place because today someone really tried me as a CEO, and I had to remind myself that we all need each other in this world. 

As a serial entrepreneur, I’ve created 3 for-profit and 1 not-for-profit business, the latter I had to dissolve in 2020 because I did not have the capacity or time to manage the organization. 

What social media doesn’t show are the long nights of trying to figure out when you will get that next client so your lights won’t get cut off, the countless phone calls with potential clients that don’t follow through, and the individuals that don’t take you seriously because you have a bubbly personality. More importantly, you’re trying to juggle the many hats of your business because you do not have access to capital. 

Can I be honest with you? I started my first business in 2015 and by 2018 the business was making well over 6 figures. I had just come back from Africa and my business processes were a hot mess. I was a solo entrepreneur making the most money I had ever seen before, yet I still felt empty.  That emptiness came from not knowing how to truly walk in my authenticity and truth.  I was a leader in other capacities; however, I was not showing up as a leader of my own company. 

It is a challenge being an entrepreneur! You need to have tough skin, a hustle mentality, and grit to get through this journey. I’m here to tell you that being an entrepreneur is hard, but the reward is so worth it

I get to spend quality time with my family, go on vacation, see the world, and hang out with the girls on the weekend. That doesn’t mean I didn’t learn a thing or two along the way. Here are some lessons: 

  1. With the Creator by my side, all things will work out for the greater good.

  2. Folks will try to test your “Gangster,” but you can’t let them win! P.S. I’m still working on how to respond like a CEO instead of a “BOSS.” If anyone can help me learn how to write this professionally, you can get a free coaching session from me: “I need you to keep that same level of energy ma’am/sir”

  3. The joy of seeing my clients get their business off the ground and thriving is priceless.

  4. Learn the difference between self-care and self-love.

  5. Seek mentorship, therapy, and life coaching! S/O to my Life Coach: Linal Harris!! He is the truth.

Entrepreneurship is a journey and not a sprint. It has good days and it has bad days. It’s more important that you remember WHY you are an entrepreneur and that it aligns with your PURPOSE in life. 

Pro Tip: Get your Operations Under Control

You need to hear this. As entrepreneurs, our lives would be so much easier if we could pause and take the time to understand our business and structure our operations. As a business development consultant that specializes in operations, I see daily that my clients are overwhelmed by working on their business instead of in their business. What do I mean? I mean they’re trying to be the social media manager, assistant, content creator,  graphic designer, and editor all at once. Instead, having efficient operations systems and processes in place will allow you to work in your business alongside your colleagues. 

Having worked with entrepreneurs for over 5 years now, I know the main issue besides capital for business owners is their operations. Many of their operations are either set up poorly or they wait until they get the client to set it up. Now, you are all over the place. Do not be that entrepreneur.  

The #1 Business Tip I have for you today is: Document your business processes from the beginning! This will save you time, money, and stress in the long run. 


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